PPGQ - UFJ has the following infrastructure:
Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry Laboratory: i) a laboratory with central benches (100m2 area) used for research and teaching, with laboratories and equipment: analytical balance, pH meter, conductivity meter, drying ovens, muffle furnace, magnetic stirrers, hood, ice washer , freezer, flame photometer, water distiller, reverse osmosis, Kjeldahl Nitrogen distiller, low speed centrifuge, ultrasonic stirring baths, digester block system. ii) a laboratory with side benches (30m2 area) used exclusively for research purposes, called by central analytics, featuring equipment such as: gas chromatograph with FID detector from East-Weast; gas chromatograph coupled to Clarus 580 Perkin-Elmer mass spectrometer (UFG - FINEP 2008); Proemince Shimadzu High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (PROJECT UFG FINEP/2013); FENTO UV-Vis Absorption Spectrophotometer, Perkin-Elmer Model Lambda 35 UV-Vis Molecular Absorption Spectrophotometer (FINEP/2006 PROJECT), Ivium Compactstat 800 mA potentiostat/galvanized model; Karl Fischer titrator Perki-Elmer model and high-speed refrigerated centrifuge.
Inorganic and Organic Chemistry Laboratory: i) a laboratory with central benches (100m2 area), used for teaching and research, containing laboratory glassware and equipment: water distiller, analytical balance; low speed centrifuges, ultrasonic water bath, thermostated bath, vacuum pump, rotary evaporators, 254/236 nm UV cabinet, laminar flow hood, magnetic stirrers, pH meter, conductivity meter, drying oven etc. ii) a laboratory with side benches and a central (40m2 area), exclusively for research, containing glassware and the equipment: Fourier Jasco 4000 infrared transform spectrophotometer; Leica optical microscope, electrophony system;
General Chemistry Laboratory: a laboratory with a central bench (50m2 area), used for teaching
Laboratory of Computational Chemistry Applied to Natural Products and Analogs Place: Physics Course Modeling Laboratory REJ-(UFG)
Other Research Laboratories at Jataí Regional (UFJ): I- Analytical Center of the Physics course: Fourie Jasco 4000 transform infrared spectrophotometer and a Shimadzu EDX. II- Agronomy Soil Laboratory: Perkin-Elmer Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and Perkin-Elmer HCN Elemental Analyzer.
UFG's Multiuser Laboratories: I- Regional Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CRTI): CRTI, located in Goiania-GO city, Goiânia Regional of UFG, is a multi-user and multi-institutional center that has numerous chemical analysis and imaging equipment that visa tends to the demand for research in the state of Goiás. CRTI was funded with support from FINEP, FAPEG, SECTEC, UFG and parliamentary amendment resources.
UFJ's Library has 2500 m2, where more than R$ 7,000,000.00 were invested, has a collection with 33,014 copies and 12,527 titles. In the area of chemistry the total collection is 843 copies and 194 titles and numerous specialized national and international journals. Facilities include a library for individual and group study, a computer lab with access to a worldwide computer network, an audiovisual studio, a gibitech, a cultural exhibition area and meeting rooms.