Incoming and Permance in the Program

By Karla Malaquias On 09/22/18 13:25 Updated at 01/27/20 09:54

Will be able to join the program those students who:
i- Have a degree degree in Chemistry or related areas duly recognized by MEC and;
ii- Have been approved in the selection process

The Selective Process includes:
i- Proof of specific knowledge in chemistry;
ii- Curriculum Vitae and academic record analysis;
iii- Examination of sufficiency in foreign language (English);
iv- Letters of Recommendation (two) from professor and/or researcher (sent directly to the program by the referee);
v- Letter of acceptance from the possible/probable advisor.
Os itens iv e v do processo seletivo serão obrigatórios, mas não terão pontuação para fins de ordem de classificação.

Each student admitted to the PPGQ will have a professor advisor since the first semester of the course. The co-advisor, when necessary, will be appointed by the Advisor and ratified by the Program Board.

At PPGQ/UFJ, students should attend:
The subjects that draws up the Program's curriculum are classified into compulsory and elective, as follows:
I- four (04) credits refered to the Scientific Methodology subject;
II- four (04) credits in one of the general education subjects dealing with advanced concepts in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry,
Organic Chemistry or Thermodynamic);
III- two (02) credits in Seminars 1 subject (01 credit) and 2 (01 credit);
IV- two (02) credits in Teaching Internship and,
V- four (04) credits in electives,

The subjects that draws up the Program's curriculum are classified into compulsory and elective, as follows:
For the dissertation defense request, the student must:
i) have completed credits in subjects, obtaining an average yield coefficient of at least 70%, according to Table 5 (See Appendix 1).
ii) have been approved in the qualification exam;

iii) present at the act of dissertation defense request the proof of presentation of work in scientific event of national scope or Chemistry or related areas, referring to the work to be defended as well as fulfilling the credits in complementary activity.
iv) have at least one scientific paper submitted to a journal whose classification in Qualis CAPES, in the area of Chemistry, is A or B.
v) have completed the teaching internship, except in the case of proven experience in teaching in higher education.